Free Resource License Agreement

This Free Resource License Agreement, is between you, the licensee, and me (Agata Kuczmińska), the licensor. By purchasing or downloading any icon sets licensed by me, you automatically agree to the following terms and conditions:

Reserved rights

All ownership and copyright of the licensed icons remain mine property. I grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use the icons for both personal and commercial purposes, without the need for attribution.

You may…

  • You may alter and modify icons for your needs.
  • You may use the icons to create the End Product for sale as long as the End Product meets the following requirements:
    • End Products must be significantly different than the original standalone icons and require time, effort, and skill to produce. End Products must not be used or sold in a way that is directly competitive with the original Icon Set you purchased. End Products must not redistribute the original icons to any third parties in a manner that allows for the extraction of the original icon.
  • You may use the icons in unlimited personal projects and commercial or client projects, including advertising, multimedia design, film, video, printed materials, web design, online presentation and computer games. Any additional uses must be approved by me in writing.

You may not…

  • You may not sublicense, resell, share, transfer, or otherwise redistribute the Icons (e.g. as stock, in a tool or template, with source files, and/or not incorporated into an End Product) under any circumstances, not even for free.
  • If you wish to promote my resources on your website, you must link back to the resource page where users can find the download and not directly to the download file.
  • You may not make the Icons available on a digital asset management system, shared drive, or the like for the purposes of sharing or transferring the Icons, and you must not permit an end user of the end product to extract the Icons and use it separately from the End Product.
  • You may not register as a trademark the icon or the end product incorporating the icon – not even logos. If you use the icons to create a logo for yourself or a client, keep in mind that third parties can use that icon too, even in another logo.


Any social media icons or icons representing registered trademarks included in the free resources can only be used as a styled version of the trademark and must solely refer to the company or entity they originally represent. They may not be incorporated into another logo or branding identity in a way that suggests endorsement or affiliation with any other entity. It is the downloader’s responsibility to ensure compliance with trademark laws and regulations when using these icons.

All licensed icons are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. I can’t guarantee that my work will be error-free and so I can’t be liable to you or any third-party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages, even if you’ve advised me of them.

If you have any questions about this license or wish to negotiate an alternate license please contact me at

Your purchase and use of the icons implies that you have read and accepted terms and conditions of this license.

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